
Palestine Protesters Take Over Manhattan Streets for 8 hours

May 18 2021 – MANHATTAN, New York:
Over 1000 people gathered outside of the Israeli Consulate. The protest was initially confined to a sidewalk across the street.

At one point, the crowd broke through barricades that police had set up, and began marching through the streets of Manhattan.

They later climbed a tourist bus, jumped and waved flags from it and set off colorful flares.

After hundreds of people marched through Manhattan to #FreePalestine, Multiple Protesters were Arrested in NYC after blocking the roadway outside of the UN. Cops on scanners stated that someone gained access to the FDR drive.

According to activists on the scene, two of the people arrested were minors. This is unconfirmed.

This protest began at 1pm EST and is still ongoing as of 7pm.

Today event was part of a national call to action for Palestine.

Video by Oliya Scootercaster (FNTV

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